Cayman Islands Triathlon Assocation ( staged the annual DHL duathlon on Sunday March 30th.
The event proceeded safely, with strong participation: 54 individuals, 21 teams of 2 people, and 5 teams of 3 people. By all reports, including
local press coverage, it was a great success.
My role for this was organizing the race day volunteers (i.e. those not on the organizing committee or with DHL), and then covering whatever priority assignment that was so far unfilled. I sent myself out on the bicycle course as a marshall.
A very big "thank you" goes out to the race day volunteers. They're essential; there's no way to get this done without them. Their excellent work made for a great day for the participants.
Thanks also to DHL for much support!
One nifty element; in the era of the web and digital cameras our shutterbugs put up over 400 pix from the event hanging off the
"Photo Gallery" link on CITA's webpage. There's even
one of me.