Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Regarding the game _Star Wars: The Force Unleashed_ for wii:
As for controlling all of this destruction, the lightsaber isn't mapped exactly to the remote, but on the plus side the remote and nunchuk act as your in-game right and left hand, respectively controlling the lightsaber and force powers.

There are five lightsaber movements with the remote: right to left, left to right, downswing, uppercut and stab. They respond extremely well, not to mention accurately, and getting your timing right results in some spectacular saber combos.

Source Link

So close!

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Week That Was

Monday: evening Masters swim session
Wednesday: evening 1.0hr. run (zone 2)
Thursday: evening Masters swim session
Friday: evening 0.75hr. sea swim
Saturday: morning 1.0hr. cycling assessment
Sunday: morning 2.25hr. run (zone 2/zone 3)

After the sea swim on Friday we had a small informal gathering for folks doing Florida 70.3. I suppose about 7 of the 20 of us were there. I have now compiled our e-mail distribution list (still missing two people).

Saturday I did a cycling assessment at Revolutions Indoor Cycling. More on that in a separate post later this week.

Sunday was the Cayman Islands Cancer Society "Stride Against Cancer". Over 1,200 people registered - very good for an island of 50,000. I had fun using the long-course (half-marathon) as a supported training run - zone 2 out, zone 3 back. My Garmin says the course was a little bit long - I think they needed a safe and good turnaround point and so extended a little.

Today is National Heroes Day here. Nonetheless, I'm at my office and Masters swimming is on this evening.

BTW, I ended up with an Osprey daemon.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Stroke Clinic

Today my sister did her requalification as a swimming stroke and turn judge. Good work!

Which brings me to my own swim stroke, specifically freestyle. Which is a frightening apt descriptor of my front crawl....

Last Sunday visiting aspirational triathlete Jenny Davidson and I joined 10 others at a Swimming Technology Research stroke clinic. Here is Jenny's report: link

This Friday I joined the regular evening sea swim and collected my personal CD from Juliaan La Valette, who arranged for the clinic (thanks Juliaan!).

Yesterday I loaded my laptop with the analysis software and data from the CD and again stared in mild horror at my video.

To paraphrase one of Dr. Rod Havriluk's comments to me: You have a lot going on there, don't you?

Yeah. Not only problems in the stroke, but strong asymmetries.

I think I'll start with concentrating on my left arm pull. If I can reduce its crossing-over, maybe I can then tweak my right arm entry....

Anyhow, it was a good clinic. Many of the attendees got some immediate results! Recommended.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Life, Libertinism, and the Pursuit of Hoppiness

Well, two out of three ain't bad.

In fact, may be good for you!
[Hat Tip: Instapundit]

Back from unscheduled undeclared blog vacation. More anon.