Friday, November 30, 2007

Daemon Knight

Over at the promotional website for The Golden Compass I did the quiz for assignment of a daemon.

I ended up with a tiger, Bryanna.
You may bother to vote on the suitability (open for 12 days): link

More interestingly, you may generate your own (at the promotional website click on "Daemons" at the top, then "Meet Your Daemon" on the right).

All were bothersomely slow to load.

[Hat Tip: Jenny]

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Turtle Triathlon Press

Nice article in the Caymanian Compass on the Cayman Islands Turtle Triathlon that was held November 25th. Congratulations to all!

Invasive Species


Photo above: green iguana by dirt parking area at work (click - tail perpendicular to line of bumper, head at brown stalk on ground also perpendicular to line of bumper)

Photo below: green iguana with hind foot pressed against my window at work (Highly Disapproving of camera)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Work Out Didn't Work Out

I missed Masters swimming last evening due to traffic snarl. One of the major roads was still closed in the wake of a horrible two-vehicle collision (local news radio reports driver of truck now in custody, driver of car dead, child car passenger in hospital).

Earlier in the day I had collected a guest, Dave, from the airport. He's one of the volunteers with major responsibilities for the Cayman Islands Turtle Tri. Dave used to live here and we're grateful that he has stayed involved. With a new guest and the stationary trainer cleared out of the way (and the Poor Little Blue Cannondale on its stand) I wasn't keen on setting up for spinning. With a running event coming up this weekend timing wasn't great for roadwork. Must do short run this evening.

Will be visiting friend JK and family in Baltimore for US Thanksgiving - departing Wednesday, returning Sunday. Blogging may be light to non-existent.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Week That Was

Monday: evening Masters swim session
Wednesday: evening 2.0hr. run (zone 1)
Thursday: evening Masters swim session
Saturday: afternoon 2.0hr. stationary trainer (zone 1)

An easy week, for no particularly good reason.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Little Cupcake

Here's the formerly-missing cupcake pic, by popular request.

Yes, chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Week That Was

Monday: evening Masters swim session
Tuesday: evening 2.0hr. stationary trainer (upper zone 2)
Wednesday: evening 2.0hr. run (zone 1)
Thursday: evening Masters swim session
Saturday: morning Pirates Week 5K Sea Swim
Sunday: afternoon 2.0hr. stationary trainer (zone 2)

Did the sea swim in 1:43:01 - third in age group (of four), 25th overall. Calm seas, good day.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pic = Happened!

Here's the evidence of the NYC meet-up back on November 3rd.

Left-to-right: Earl (who shall remain blogless), me, Courtney (a.k.a. Dying Water Buffalo), and Jenny

The rendezvous took place at a secure undisclosed location - undisclosed so that you don't all go there and spread the word. Courtney very much likes the place (we understand why), and so wishes for it to stay under the radar such that she is always able to drop in and get fed.

Because the restaurant was late opening we first walked to a nearby spot for caffeine and empty calories. I had a birthday cupcake, the pic of which Blogger is refusing to allow me to upload.

Good times!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Florida 70.3 2008 Slot Bought

Countdown clock was looking run down so I've given it an event to which to look forward: Florida 70.3 2008. Word at Masters swimming last night was that several folks from Cayman have registered (I checked the participants list today - they have), and earlier in the week I had news that Toronto peeps had done the same. Seems quiet on the bloggy peeps front though.


...and maybe Universal Studios theme park this year too.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

More Turtle Tri Excitement

More coverage in the Caymanian Compass for the Cayman Islands Turtle Triathlon, this time featuring competitor Spencer Smith.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Out of Order

I'll skip the (chrono)logical ordering for New York trip-related posts.

Saturday November 3rd included a night out at Hiro Ballroom in the delightful company of Jenny Davidson (who writes so much that she requires two blogs). There's one important thing that the Hiro Ballroom link fails to mention: above the stage there is a dragon's head which has glowing red eyes and breathes fog (put me in mind of a better-executed Spinal Tap prop).

The warm-up acts were Newspeak (a recently formed large band) and Pit er Pat (a duo with some support). Basically electronica with vocals. Overdramatic vocalist for Newspeak, but acceptable. Pit er Pat worked well.

The main act was The Fiery Furnaces. I believe that they are a love-them-or-hate-them act. Their sound is hard to describe - and I have evidence!

Here's a nifty tool: liveplasma [Hat Tip: Newmark's Door]

Try putting "Radiohead" into the search line and press the Artist/Band button. Lots of acts close to Radiohead, and many are relatively popular. Radiohead is a giant planet with giant moons - Jupiter! Try putting "The Fiery Furnaces" into the search line and press the Artist/Band button. Acts are further from The Fiery Furnaces and many are less popular! OK, the band isn't metaphorically Pluto, but still....

Anyhow, when a description is absolutely required I say that the Fiery Furnaces sound as though they come from an alternate universe where art rock kept progressing for 30 years after 1977.

Very happy to have seen them!

[Aside: respective of triathlon keeping us young, I note that both Jenny and I were carded!]

Monday, November 05, 2007

Because I Thought Of This You All Must Suffer

Q: What do you call a Frenchman who has completed an Ironman?
A: M.

Use your mouse to select and rollover text after "A:" for answer - if the answer didn't leap to mind!

The Week That Was

Monday: evening Masters swim session
Friday: late morning 2.0hr. run (zone 1)

A recovery week that featured an excellent trip to New York City (arrived Wednesday late evening, departed Sunday mid-morning). I'll put together a couple of posts about the trip over the next few days.