Monday, January 23, 2012

The Week That Was

Monday: 1.0hr. run (zone 2 on RPE)
Tuesday: upper body (+ basic legs) weights
Wednesday: morning 1.0hr. run (zone 2 on RPE); evening 1.0hr. run (zone 2/zone 3, some zone 4)
Saturday: 1.33hr. treadmill run (zone 2)
Sunday: upper body (+ basic legs) weights

Recovery week began on Thursday and will run through the coming Wednesday. Might shift the model week to having only two basic legs weights sessions.

My mother, aunt, and two of my parents' friends visited Grand Cayman on Thursday (as a port of call on a cruise).

AGM for our triathlon association was Tuesday evening.

I signed up for the Stride Against Cancer to be held on January 29th. I'll do the half-marathon timed event. If I'm going to do any large running event in the next couple of years having the time could be useful for corral assignment. Timing for the event will be done by Coach Jerry Harper, as is so much of the volunteer timing for amateur sport on the island.

Coach Jerry will receive the Cayman Islands Certificate and Badge of Honour from the Governor, His Excellency Duncan Taylor, at the National Heroes Day official celebration today. It's well-deserved!


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