Wednesday, October 03, 2007

2007 Season - Looking Back

I put together my 2007 season with an eye to seeing people. For IMAZ, I rendezvoused with my sister and we visited our uncle prior. At Florida 70.3 I saw some bloggy peeps and a bunch of Toronto peeps. At IMMoo I rendezvoused with my sister, we saw many bloggy peeps, and afterward I visited folks in Wisconsin and Illinois.

The resulting structure of the season led to compromised performance at events; nonetheless I did learn some performance lessons:
o  low heart rate training below my zone 2 is not my friend;
o  my recovery from an IM is on the long side:
   o  Florida 70.3 done 5 weeks after IMAZ still knocked back my trajectory;
   o  I could have used another month for IMMoo prep after Florida 70.3
o  stomach may be unreliable after 13 hours:
   o   should cram in more calories - more at breakfast, gel or sportsdrink before swim, and consider transition time/heart rate in starting eating on the bike;
   o  muscular endurance in zone 2 was OK by IMMoo, but burned carbs and had insufficient aerobic fitness to complete much faster
o  even without proper hill training, my build can get me through; and
o  on a windy day I give up a lot of time due to my non-fully-aero position on the Poor Little Blue Cannondale (this hurts bridging rollers too).

If I want to Just Keep Running on the marathon of an IM (or go beyond that and Leave It All On The Course) I suppose I had best train and equip to go sub-13. Contrary to that requirement, although I've very much appreciated my iron-distance event days, the training hours (and to a lesser extent season design) required by a performance focus are more than I've looked to dedicate.

So, that makes three iron-distance races I've done, with two being Mdots done this season. I've used the line: "Training for an Ironman is great; actually doing one is stupid." Really, the toll on the body from the day itself *can't* be good for us. But at least it's stupid fun!


Blogger Dances with Corgis said...

Cool that you're looking back, Brent, and it does seem like you learned a lot this season. Heck, reading your synopsis, I took a lot away!

10/03/2007 07:52:00 am  
Blogger S. Baboo said...

I can hardly wait to look back on my season! I still have a half iron and an iron left. It has been a very, very stupid season...but fun!

10/03/2007 10:19:00 am  
Blogger Spokane Al said...

That was a nice look back. And even if this is not the smartest use of our time, there are certainly a lot worse things that we could be doing.

10/03/2007 10:22:00 am  
Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Nice post-season thoughts. I particularly like your last line about training for an IM vs. doing one. I thought the very same thing last year.

Look forward to seeing what's up for you in 2008.

10/03/2007 10:47:00 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good seasonal recap and lessons learned.

(And I enjoyed the rendezdeux immensely.)

10/03/2007 11:07:00 am  
Blogger Jenny Davidson said...

Interesting and illuminating. The stomach 13+ issue is surely almost universal among mid-pack athletes?

10/03/2007 01:08:00 pm  
Blogger Di said...

Brent, you had a crazy year!! I didn't realize how action packed of a year you had! Wow!
You made it through, better for the wear, great job!

10/04/2007 07:05:00 am  
Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Yes it is stupid fun!
But who doesn't love it?????????

10/04/2007 09:18:00 am  
Blogger Tri-Dummy said...

at least it's stupid fun!

Now that is funny...and true.

Great perspective.

10/05/2007 06:30:00 am  
Blogger Comm's said...

Those are very intuitive insite's to last season. I would challenge you to ask yourself a question for the next thirty days, write it on your bathroom mirror, "Is my form the best it can be in each event and how do I make it better?"

10/06/2007 08:39:00 pm  

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