Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Here's an article on the local Masters swim club, Hammerheads.

Tonight is the first in our local series of short Stroke and Stride events. I'm volunteering instead of participating, so I won't be included in any of the coverage.

So there. Apparently, it's not all about me.


Blogger Jenny Davidson said...

Say it ain't so!

After reading several books about swimming in the last few days, I now finally understand (more or less...) why there is this bewildering muddle of 25-yard and 25-meter and 50-meter pools. I had previously been so confused about it that I sort of couldn't even formulate it as a question why all NY-area university pools seem to be 25 yards!

Have fun at the event...

8/15/2007 02:37:00 pm  
Blogger Tony said...

It sounds like you are going to have a great time for a great cause. I am looking forward to going to my first Masters practice next monday.

Keep up the great work.

8/16/2007 12:57:00 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cool! (And a fancy new lcm pool on the horizon.)

Hope the stroke and stride went well!

8/16/2007 07:00:00 am  

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