Madness Indeed
Again, I link to the Manolo for tri-related materials, this time:
High Heel Racing
Seems a waste of a perfectly good blocked-off sprint course....
High Heel Racing
Seems a waste of a perfectly good blocked-off sprint course....
What the hell? And we as women have come HOW far exactly??? Did your sis see this- and what does SHE have to say about it? I am embarrassed for them and for all of us as a gender...
Running in heels? of course. It's the pointy shoe that I would find awkward.
Yes, Fe-Lady, she saw it & cringed, and was thankful she is not a Glamour reader.
I can only imagine what my orthopaedist would have to say!
Wow, that looks like that fall hurt. Ouch!
Ummm....3 posts about womens shoes. Is there something we should know about?
Holy bunions Batman!
I note that various cities have different prize "purses", none of which could adequately pay for the therapy these ladies will need.
Must be the heat that makes them do it.
That? That is just WRONG. *Shudder*
Okay, you have a foot fetish. We get it. Enough with the manolo links ;)
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