Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Day Report

My New Year's Day triathlon was perfunctory - minor stroke work in the pool at my condo, a little spinning on my trainer and a few steps to count as running. Stroke work featured experimenting with a Christmas present from my sister, the pool toy known as a Tech Toc.

I'll do a report on the Tech Toc when I've used it some more. Overall preliminary impression is favourable.

Had what was labeled New Year's buffet brunch at 1:15pm at the Ritz-Carlton restaurant 7 - for me it was truly lunch. Attendees were me, business partner Gord, his wife Enoka, Gord's son Andy, Enoka's mother (visiting GC for a month), organizing couple Brian and Mindy and another couple they know (Hunter and Helen). Nice company, good food, pleasant surroundings, and my seat faced out to the sunny patio.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled life.
[nervous glance at countdown clock]


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad you tried the pool toy! I'll look forward to hearing more about it. And I'm glad you got your Geek on ...

The Ritz sounds quite fabulous. The Jean-Michel Cousteau program for young guests sounds quite wonderful.

1/02/2007 11:48:00 am  
Blogger Brent Buckner said...

One of my current Monday night swimming lanemates works in that Jean-Michel Cousteau program (Ambassadors of the Environment).

1/02/2007 12:08:00 pm  
Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Happy New Year!


Stay tuned...

1/02/2007 12:15:00 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Neat. Houdini had some young fans on her front doorstep this afternoon as I was on my way out. They asked if they could take her picture, and if she got on with the cat ...

1/02/2007 02:18:00 pm  
Blogger Bolder said...

does you clock almost say 100?


Happy New Year!

1/02/2007 05:53:00 pm  

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